Gray, E. M., Pasley, A., Fishwick, E., Blaise, M., Ullman, J., & Delaney, M. (2024). Australian university websites as colonialities of gender. Journal of Gender Studies, 1–16.
Paper 2024
Gray, E.M., Pasley, A., Blaise, M. et al. Sexisms and Un/welcome Diversity in Australian Universities. Aust. Educ. Res. 51, 1945–1960 (2024)
Paper 2024
Book Chapter 2024
Fishwick, E. (2024). HERE THERE AGAIN: Sexisms Everyday Spaces within Australian Universities. In A. Pasley, S. Gannon, & J. Osgood (Eds.), Gender Un/Bound: Traversing Educational Possibilities. Taylor & Francis Limited.
Everyday Sexisms Conference Bags 2023
Conference Bags that included: The Oppressive Grind Newspaper, Tokens, Badges & a Letter Writing Kit. Created for AARE Conference in Naarm/Melbourne 2023.
Correspondance Reel
Short video that uses the correspondence between the research team and universities during the recruitment process. This creative output captures the labour of getting universities to participate in this study.
A 40 minute performance work that filtered the projects data through a choreographic process. Performed by LINK Dance Company at the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts.
An installation artwork that was part of the #FEAS UNFINISHED BUSINESS exhibition.
Recruitment Video
Short video that is scripted in response to data gathered in preliminary interviews. Used as part of the recruitment information for the projects survey.
The creative methodologies take inspiration from #FEAS Feminist Educators Against Sexism
Gray, E., Ullman, J., Blaise, M., & Pollitt, J. (2024). Masculinism, institutional violence and #MeToo: understanding Australian University responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Educational Administration and History, 1–17.
Pollitt, J., Blaise, M., Gray, E., Ullman, J., Fishwick, E., (2023). Performing feminist research: Creative tactics for communicating COVID-19, gender and higher education research. Gender and Education, 1-18.
Paper based on the findings from the pilot study and the creative methods used to translate this research.
Gray, E., Ullman, J., Pollitt, J., & Blaise, M. (2022) “I’m broken but I’m alive”: Gender, Covid-19, and higher education in Australia. Higher Education Research & Development, 1-15.
Pilot project.